Perhaps it's time we come back to it? :3
Sooo, FGF5 has kinda lost contact in the past year (rather, I've lost touch with FGF5), but with the creation of a Facebook group for us (Thanks Amanda!), we've rekindled the romance that once bloomed under the beautiful Light "I'm a gay" Yagami and Trollsiah and SHINee (bring back Jonghyun!!!).
Though it's not the same, of course.
Lots of things have transpired in our lives and we've grown apart, unfortunately. Our interests and our lives have changed significantly. We've all grown up a little in this past year, and our priorities are now elsewhere. At least, that's what I can say for myself. I'm about to graduate from high school, I have an amazing boyfriend with whom I am completely enamored (a very different situation from when I posted last on this blog), and life's good. I'm sure everyone else is enjoying life right now too.
I'm happy to have these girls back in my life though. They always pop up in my mind, and now that we talk a lot more, I remember how happy I was when they were my best friends and how we trusted each other with everything. I miss having that. They were the girls I could tell anything to without judgment. They were the ones I could rely on for sound advice because they really did care about me. A group of crazy, hormonal, crazy fangirls with which I am proud to call my trusted friends and whom I will never ever forget.
Earlier this year I thought I had found my best friends in the girls I have made close bonds with at school, but that's all crumbled by this time. I don't know if it's my fault that I've lost those relationships or what, but I know now that I was naive in calling them my true friends. I still enjoy their company and appreciate the time we spend together, but things have reached a superficial point. And at this point, I don't really care to preserve the closeness of these friendships when we all go our separate ways in college. Sure I'll maintain some sort of contact, but I'll never work as hard to keep it up as I did with FGF5.
When FGF5 was at its peak, we were in constant communication with each other and we wanted to be. We loved each other. We wrote fics about each other, we gave each other crazy nicknames, we assumed roles of the unnies and the maknae line that would seem ridiculous to other people. This kind of friendship and connection I've never had with people I've met at school. But I'm glad I found it in this group of fantastic girls.
I really regret losing touch with them over the past year. But I'm so glad I now have the opportunity to re-strengthen the bonds I had with these girls and I won't ever stray from them ever again.
Maybe one day we'll actually meet up all together? :)