Okay let's get something straight right before I make this post.
And this:
And this:
and honestly I ship almost every pairing in this damn anime.
Now that the boring stuff is over lets get back to how this is my obsession. I had put off watching this anime for the longest time and honestly I have no idea why. This anime is amazing. It's cute. It's actiony. And it fucking tears my heart out and steps on it repeatedly.
I could just keep watching and watching and watching all day long for the rest of my life and I would not get over it.
I also like to make fun of it. In the wee hours of the morning mixed with some hysteria I have renamed Lelouch into Da Douche because everyone just says it so damn fast that I think it's DA DOUCHE every time I hear it.
Okay there really is no point for me to continue this post but to tell you that I love this anime and no I haven't finished yet and I'm pretty sure that at the end of the anime I will curse it to the dark depths of fictional hell but as of right now we are all good in the hood.
P.Squirrel Out.